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January 21, 2012

So much for "every day"

Thanks to Sam for the picture!
It has been, yet again, a considerable time since I have last posted. I haven't been that busy either, web-logging just isn't that interesting to me haha. Although I also haven't played Skyrim in about a week, which is also strange. Maybe I need a new hobby.

I've decided I'm going to make some mead sometime soon, need to save money for 16 lbs of honey and brewing buckets. Yesterday I saw that they do sell mead in liquor stores here, I bought a bottle of The Golden Drop. Sweet, but surprisingly not as sweet as you'd think, tastes a like white wine with just a touch of honey. I was expecting a sticky kind of sweet.
Last night while drinking some mead, I decided to paint a canvas. Turns out I don't have the colors I need, so I'll be making a trip to the art store soon for pinks and blues. It's aggravating to have an unfinished painting laying around.
Sunday has been added to the nights that I work, four nights a week means plenty of cash, which makes everything a lot easier.

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